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How to Install NotFilmOn on XBMC Gotham

XBMC Gotham
After some maintenance on XBMCHUB repo,mikey123 has been moved to xunity's repo

Install them from Xunity Web Directory by Adding to File Manager in XBMC
or click on this image for details
XBMC Gotham File Manager
Scroll to System's Submenu->File Manager

XBMC Gotham
Add source and input
and name it with .XFINITY (yes with dot,to make sure it always on top.

XBMC Gotham
Now back to System->Add-ons-> Install from zip browse to .Xfinity directory and install

XBMC Gotham

Back to Get Add-ons, Browse XunityTalk Repo, try to force refresh if it doesn't show up.

XBMC Gotham

Now install NotFilmOn and Watch Freely

XBMC Gotham

XBMC Team's Worst Decision

 Here is some spolier from XBMC Official Site

Since 2002, the software program often called XBMC has gone through three namings. First, it was known as Xbox Media Player. Upon realizing that it did a bit greater than your conventional media player, in 2004 the event group elected to rename it Xbox Media Center. A mere four years later in 2008, the staff once again elected to rename the software program to easily XBMC, provided that it had moved on from its original roots on the Xbox. Assist for the Xbox was dropped shortly thereafter.

The XBMC Team just announced the name changing to Our Favorite Media Center from XBMC into Kodi
the 14 Update will be totally different and it will impact old lazy user,who never check updates like me.
And the most annoying changes to me is the Splash logo that totally different to the Software,that offer simplicity  and speed.
Just compare old logo with the new one

Mediatek based Android Devices Haunted by SMS Exploit Hack

A new discovery by blogger Korben means that many MediaTek-primarily based Android phones are prone to the strangest of hacks. All it takes to remotely reboot some unlucky person's telephone is to textual content them the image '='. In MediaTek chipset language, this image apparently equals "shutdown and reboot". Korben demonstrated the vulnerability within the video below.

If you're unfortunate sufficient to get spammed with exploitative messages, you might have your telephone rendered unusable.

Some standard Alcatel handsets, such as the One Contact Idol X, Idol Extremely, 997D, Pop C3, S-Pop, and Star, have been confirmed as vulnerable.To find out whether or not your MediaTek-based phone gets lured by the trick, text your self '=' without the quotes. If you find yourself rebooting, fear not - simply change your default messaging app to one thing other than the default one.

Hopefully the flaw does not find yourself larger than what it at the moment is, otherwise hackers could have a area day with the majority of China phones.
Some Samsung S series copy or clone have been flawed by this bug.
For a while some users have reported that MIUI ROM have been patch this bug.

State of The Art Instant Image Editor

Anyone would be jubilant if their  picture on Instagram or Facebook to get more Like or Love. One of the thousands of applications available in Google's photo Playstore here is 5  applications bundle which we think most advanced and must be installed by all Android users.

  Adobe Photoshop Express

Adobe Photoshop Express

An application that ported from the desktop version also provides a wide selection of remixing tools and effects filters are very complete from the crop, rotate, flip, until available Blemish Removal tool to remove unwanted areas in an image.

Pixlr Express

Pixlr Xpress


Tons of  complete tool. In addition to offering basic remixing features like crop, rotate and brightness and contrast settings. But you can use it to embellish photos without the need of additional applications. Pixlr Express has over 600 photo effects options that can be combined on the effect of color filters, light, frames, stickers to add these wonderful words in an image through its Text option.

Perfectly Clear

Perfectly Clear

 One of the the most advance feature of Perfectly Clear is not included in another image editor apps is its ability to correct the color and level of light dark images with extremely accurate results and still look natural. Just by pressing the button Fix! this application capable to correct a colorof a photo became better in an instant. If still not getting better, Perfectly Clear also provides a variety of options such as remixing the Brightness setting, depth, vibrancy, Tint, Skin tone up Eye enhancers to enlarge your eyes.

Humin : A Smart Way to Organize a Smartphone Contacts

We took an early sneak-peek at Humin, a better contacts app than default contact app for the iPhone, back in January. Lastly, it’s launched into the App Retailer within the US in the present day and it’s even higher than once we first tried it.

Humin works best when it’s placed in your dock in place of the default Phone app. It organizes your contacts in a smart way, replacing the normal alphabetized list with factors like your location and the day and time. Over time, the app learns which people are most relevant in a particular context and displays them first.
The search facility is just as impressive. It’s based on a ‘connection graph’ built up of data from Gmail, Facebook, LinkedIn and other sources. Our brains don’t organize the people we know in order of their surnames, but by arbitrary connections like ‘We met at a party in Paris’, ‘She works at IBM’, or ‘He lives in New York City’. Humin gets its name from a ‘human’ approach to search. When I enter ‘Works at The Next Web’, I get a list of all my colleagues. If I search for ‘lives in San Francisco’, I get a list of everyone in my contacts list from that city.
In the months since we first checked Humin out, the San Francisco-based team has been busy refining the product and now many people will be able to discard their default Phone app completely. The startup has arrangements with all major US carriers so that your missed calls and voicemail can be routed to Humin.
The app works well overall, aside from the odd minor bug here and there (the app insists that the company ‘The Next Web’ is called ‘Next Web’, for example, and former employees can show up in a company search, even if their data shows they’ve moved on).
Beyond these niggles that can be ironed out by the developers over time, the quality of the experience is only as good as the quality of the contacts data on your smartphone. To that end, there’s a feature that allows users to request updated contact details from people they know.
During the app’s beta period, it would mass-mail all contacts to request updated data, without it really being clear to the user that this is what would happen. Humin briefly developed a reputation as a spammy app among some early adopters, although CEO Ankur Jain says that the company learned from this experience. Now, requests are more granular, with users being able to select exactly who they want the app to contact. I can’t help thinking that FullContact’s API would be worth the company exploring for a smoother experience, though.
Jain sees Humin as a company built around “tech that thinks about people the way you do.” He describes the core technology underpinning the app as “like PageRank for contacts.” How this could be used beyond smartphones is intriguing. Jain mentions wearable devices and cars as markets the company is exploring, although I’m sure the enterprise market could find uses related to CRM too.
Humin is currently available in the US only but will open up to new markets over time, with a UK launch coming soon.
Update: After  this article being published, some users from the beta program  told us that Humin is still sending contact update requests out in their name despite them having deleted the app. We have contacted the company for clarification about the issue. Humin reiterated that the verification flow has been changed to stop bulk requests for contact details, adding that an option to cancel verification has been added in-app, and any users affected by such an issue can contact the company to have all requests switched off. 

Blackphone Rooted in Less than 5 Minutes

       The super secure Android smartphone, called Blackphone successfully rooted by  TeamAndIRC in BlackHat Security Conference events, there no special case for Blackphone to root, you  only need ADB toools and it can  be done in less than 5 minutes, realizing that vulnerability  Blackphone team release the update and fix the exploit, Unlike Sony or Samsung we don't need to unlock the bootloader to root the Blackphone, only ADB and it was too easy for a Smartphone that claimed to be the most secure smartphone in the world.
       From this incident The Blackphone company should not boast too much from the imperfect product like Blackphone.

Classy Smartwatch

          Running with phone in your pocket make you so last year, wear a smart Timex ironman One GPS+, After cooperation with Qualcomm and AT&T Timex Ironman One GPS+ keeps you connected with your friends and family without any phone, and listening to music without a  MP3 player.

           Imagine that your smartphone compressed into a classy watch.
And with Find Me mode, the watch will send information to your friends about your location, Ironman One GPS+ also bundled with Synchronoss, a leading clound computing company

       And about sports Iron One GPS+ can calculate speed, distance via sports social media in real time, and don't worry about rainy weather, Ironman One GPS+ is water-resistant until 50m. 4GB storage to store your music files and use a bluetooth headset for sure
Unfortunately this awesome watch is only available in pre-order for US$ 399,95.

WPAP with Inkscape

                   After all this time i have new interest in art, that is so called WPAP or Wedha's Pop Art Potrait invented by Mr. Wedha Abdul Rasyid, an Indonesian artist, he was afraid that human getting older he cant make a realistic human potrait, so explored new way to paint human's face texture and skin color with some irregular shape, unlike van Gogh or Picasso WPAP is easy to learn, but unfortunately for me, a man who hate art since middle school, I find it too hard to learn, especially in the shape and  the color choosing.

Here is Mr. Wedha's art from the beginning

Sejarah WPAP 1
sejarah WPAP 2
Sejarah WPAP 3

Sejarah WPAP 4

And the top image is my first Potrait of Kim Jong Un, which is not completed yet.
By the way I only use Inkscape, which is free to use and quite light for low speed CPU like mine with 1.0 GHz
Tips : Trace the dark and light part of face with bezier tool to make WPAP painting faster


UFSx Panel Support Suite v02.03.00.05

SarasSoft UFS-3 Box is one of flashing box for older Nokia device that widely used by midclass society until these days, some device have USB port such as Nokia 1280 and its derivative

To be able to flash the device or remove the locked phone we need a box to unlock the device and one them is SarasSoft UFS-3 Tornado Flasher

Here is the UFS# panel  for SarasSoft UFS-3 Tornado Flasher

Download : UFSx_Support_Suite_Setup_v02.03.00.05.exe 

Having Fun with Unix Command Line

Command Line was connected with some serious stuff like cron job, data sorting and  etc

but now the time has come to bring the command line out of the cave of serious stuff that has been imprisoned by stereotypes, i mean it literally by the way

Now Record this command into your human brain.
not only in your txt file.
play -n synth sine 480 sine 620 remix 1-2 fade 0 0.5 delay 0.5 repeat 5

d20kill(){ n=$(($RANDOM%20+1));case $n in 20)kill -9 $1;echo 'Critical hit!';;1[0-9])kill $1;echo 'Hit';;*)echo 'Miss';;esac; }

echo $(($RANDOM % 6 + 1))

More funny stuff coming, check betty project for Siri on your Linux/Unix Desktop, also work on Mac

How to Check CPU Usagein Linux OSs

It’s somewhat trivial job to get details about how much of CPU time is consumed by Linux OSs, its parts or numerous software it runs, but fortunately there are numerous utilities making it doable to get it. A few of them are included into sure Linux distribution, other are not however most of tools listed below can be used to find out CPU utilization stats:

1. top
top is very old and important core utility coming with almost any Linux and Unix operating systems. It shows real-time system resources utilization (CPU, RAM, swap file etc.) to administrators via console, here is the part of it’s output:
top - 16:05:38 up 3 days,  6:08,  2 users,  load average: 0.54, 0.54, 0.61
Tasks: 100 total,   2 running,  98 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  5.3%us,  1.0%sy,  0.0%ni, 93.7%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:    515984k total,   497928k used,    18056k free,    13988k buffers
Swap:  1502068k total,    92956k used,  1409112k free,   129096k cached
As this tool provides a lot of useful information, it makes sense to read its manual page: type man top.
2. atsar
sar, atsar are other old tools providing system activity reports including CPU load we need. Here is an example of sar’s usage:
viper@viper-desktop:~$ sar -u 2 5
Linux  viper-desktop  2.6.20-17-generic  #2 SMP Mon Jun 9 22:08:13 UTC 2008  i686  07/04/2008
16:13:58  cpu %usr %nice   %sys %irq %softirq    %wait %idle             _cpu_
16:14:00  all    3     0      0    0        0        1    97
16:14:02  all    0     0      0    0        0        0    99
16:14:04  all    0     0      0    0        0        0   100
16:14:06  all   23     0      0    0        0        0    76
16:14:08  all    0     0      0    0        0        0   100
As you might see CPU utilization was almost 0% for two seconds after the command was executed. BTW, here is the description of the options sar was started with:
-u showed statistics about CPU utilization (average and per cpu) with 5 intervals of 2 seconds.
3. ps
ps is one the most used core utilities every Linux or Unix administrator uses as this utility with short name shows processes run in the system. If you need to get information about how much CPU or RAM resources are consumed by certain process, just run this:
viper@viper-desktop:~$ ps u 23988
viper 23988 0.0 0.6 5760 3280 pts/0 Ss 15:54 0:00 bash
where 23988 is PID of the process (can be get from the output of ps ax).
And be sure look the manual of those commands for  ore details.